Against late frosts:
Weather uncertainty is a recurring theme in recent years.
The air temperature variation between day and night can be dangerous for the vegetative restart, moreover the late frosts, events extremely harmful for the orchards and that have decimated many crops, are more and more frequent in recent springs.
The frost burns leaves, flowers and buds, it also damage fruits’ tissues in the orchards, involving their fall. Being able to protect crops and limit damage is therefore an essential objective for fruit growers to not compromise production. The most powerful method to avoid damage due to late frosts remains a good anti-frost system, which promotes the formation of ice to stabilize the temperature of the plant around 0 ºC, thus preventing it from freezing at lower temperatures, but it is not the only one. Other agronomic systems with the same objective are wind turbines, wind machines, chimneys, candles and others.
If you do not have a system like those listed above, it is recommended to treat the crops with specific products to save production by protecting them from frost.
DEMETRA makes its contribution with ZEOLITE DEMETRA, a product based on concentrated, micronized and activated rock powder. Through accurate tests in growth chamber, refrigerated cell and fields, we have verified its effectiveness in fighting late frosts damage.
The treatment with ZEOLITE DEMETRA is aimed to create a dehumidified environment, reducing the condensing nuclei. The ice condensation agents present on the outer surface of the plant activate the formation of ice crystals on it in case of moisture, causing by conduction the freezing of intracellular fluids of plant tissues. In anticipation of a thermal decrease, a preventive treatment with ZEOLITE DEMETRA should be done.
Preventive treatments in anticipation of low temperatures with bio-stimulants rich in growth promoters will also be useful to strengthen all exposed plant parts. Some of our products for this purpose are listed here: ALGA-VITAL, ALGA-VITAL SF, AXITIN, CREVITAL, GIBBEX FL, MARFOL SF, VEGAFOIL.
Also in this case it becomes important the advice of as specialized technician, who will be able to give indications of dosages and choice of the most suitable product according to the crop, the time of intervention and other variables. It is therefore essential to be updates on the weather forecast and decide with which kind of product promptly act in to avoid damage later irreparable.
CONTACT US for further information

Demetra Italia s.r.l. | box@demetraitalia.it | tel. +39 0542 670170 | Via San Vitale, 5 - Imola (BO) Italia | Stabilimento: Via delle Arti, 6 - Castel Guelfo (BO) Italia | P.IVA: IT00596661207