470 exhibitors and more than 16,000 experts visiting, from all around the world.
After 2 years marked by pandemic, the world has again the opportunity to exhibit in person at fairs, and DEMETRA confirms its presence.
We came back from Interpoma in Bozen and it is time to draw conclusions from this experience, which has fully satisfied us.
The numbers of the exhibition speak for themselves: 490 exhibitors and about 16.000 experts in the field visiting, with a large international component. It has been a great opportunity for exhibiting companies, including DEMETRA.
Three days of full immersion in the world of the apple, between conferences and specialized companies that have introduced new varieties and innovations in the sector, an opportunity for everyone to stay updated on the latest news about this crop.
We had met many of our customers from Emilia Romagna, Veneto and all over Italy who came to visit us at our stand, with whom in the years we have established a commercial relationship made of mutually trust, and new operators too, with whom lay the foundations for new collaborations, including companies’ owner from all over the world, giving us the opportunity to publicize our brand and make known our catalogue.

Demetra Italia s.r.l. | box@demetraitalia.it | tel. +39 0542 670170 | Via San Vitale, 5 - Imola (BO) Italia | Stabilimento: Via delle Arti, 6 - Castel Guelfo (BO) Italia | P.IVA: IT00596661207