The presentation of new Demetra products, designed to adapt to the market and meet all farmer’s requests, continues.
We present today SOLTERMAX NP 4-12 L, organic mineral fertilizer in suspension. This product is particularly suitable for fertigation or application located near to the rooting area. Its content of nitrogen (ammoniacal) and phosphorus and its particular formulation, make it very suggested for the first stages of vegetative development, rooting and germination of seeds. These two elements also become available for crops in a stable way and for a prolonged period. The subacid pH of SOLTERMAX NP 4-12 L improves its performances.
The advantages of using SOLTERMAX NP 4-12 L can be summarized in:
- availability of fertilizing elements and “pseudo-auxine” stimulation of the whole root system;
- better absorption of nutrients;
- the product is adaptable: it is applicable in pre-seeding or combined with pre-emergence weedings and also for sod seeding.
For all these reasons, SOLTERMAX NP 4-12 L is indicated in fertilizations or for treatment before sown or emergence of wheat. The suggested dose is 50-70 kg per hectare, using a normal herbicide boom.
For more information about our product click HERE

Demetra Italia s.r.l. | box@demetraitalia.it | tel. +39 0542 670170 | Via San Vitale, 5 - Imola (BO) Italia | Stabilimento: Via delle Arti, 6 - Castel Guelfo (BO) Italia | P.IVA: IT00596661207