Our line of MICOSTIMULANTS contains products designed specifically for every target. Some of them are multi-purpose however. It is possible to make treatments with these products in different periods of the life of the crop, developing also other purposes added to the one the product was created for. Their use is possible in different periods: autumn, spring or before harvesting. Today’s attention is on fertigation treatments, important to stimulate the roots and for vegetative restart in general, especially after transplantation and sowing.
Two main proposals:
SOLTERMAX NP 4-12 L sowing treatments in spring (especially on spinach, corn, sorghum...) and at transplants (tomato...):
The main characteristic of the product is its high content of humified organic substance, rich in fulvic acids, that is able to optimize the fertilizer yield by making available the quantity of nitrogen and phosphorus contained in the formulation for a lasting period and that ensures a pseudo-auxin action to the whole roots system, promoting the development of roots hais and consequently improving the absorption capacity. We have studied and optimized our product over time, through many trials in fiel, and we can identify the following advantages deriving from its spring use:
- perfect selectivity while applying the product at sowing or transplant with localised treatments;
- starter effect;
- low dosages per hectare;
- ease of use thanks to its liquid form.
STAR FERT is another product in liquid form and it is created for fertigation both with the irrigation system or with shower one. This product is a formulate of natural origin made of on nitrogen (organic and mineral) and phosphorus that are activated from a natural extract selected and undiluted with original refining and distillation techniques, the use of STAR FERT is suggested to achieve a better growth activity and to enhance fruiting and production, thanks to a better uptake of nutrients; its function is dual: nutrition and biostimulation.
The main activity of STAR FERT is the stimulation of vegetative growth (spring application on all crops). It has proven very useful in post-transplant applications on vegetables especially melon, watermelon...but also for fruit trees at the vegetative restart, combined with chelates when the orchard is weak or stressed. A special application is also possible in an orchard full of fruits at 30 days before the harvest, in order to improve fruit size.
The choice of the correct product and the period of application varies depending on many situations, included the kind of crops to be treated. The technician will advise the application of these products, choosing the most appropriate period and dosage.
CONTACT US for further information

Demetra Italia s.r.l. | box@demetraitalia.it | tel. +39 0542 670170 | Via San Vitale, 5 - Imola (BO) Italia | Stabilimento: Via delle Arti, 6 - Castel Guelfo (BO) Italia | P.IVA: IT00596661207