Focus on
It is important to draw attention on calcium intake during this time of the year.
2022 was a very dry year and this accentuated the problem of apples bitter pit, especially in the more susceptible varieties (FUJI and GOLDEN). Many apples in the refrigerator are showing the problem, so it will be essential to plan the interventions for 2023 to avoid the same situation.
2022 was a very dry year and this accentuated the problem of apples bitter pit, especially in the more susceptible varieties (FUJI and GOLDEN). Many apples in the refrigerator are showing the problem, so it will be essential to plan the interventions for 2023 to avoid the same situation.
Calcium is a meso element (vital elements for plants, absorbed in medium quantities) really important for plant life. It is considered as a dynamic element, which therefore regulates the radical water absorption and, in the form of calcium pectate, contributes to the formation of membranes and cell walls. Calcium is accumulated in fruits after flowering and it gives them greater consistency, shelf-life and improves their appearance.
Calcium has the tendency to accumulate in older tissues, a lack of translocation may have as an effect a deficiency of this element in the younger parts of the plant, as well as an incorrect fertilization with potassium, magnesium and nitrogen (ammoniacal) would compromise its absorption.
Signals of calcium deficiencies are yellowing of leaf’s lamina, necrosis, pit (especially apples); on grapevine, along with magnesium deficiency, primary symptom is the bunch stem necrosis (LBSN); in vegetables causes leaf dryness or even apical rot.
Calcium uptake from the soil (in which, if present in high quantities, involves an increase in active limestone and therefore in the pH of the soil) takes place exclusively through young and growing roots. The difficult has always been to transfer calcium into fruits.
All this makes it clear why in our catalog there are several products containing calcium in different formulations:
CALCIFLOW: liquid calcium nitrate solution, used in fertigation;
CLORCAL: solution of liquid calcium chloride, used both in fertigation and for foliar treatments, preferably to be used alone;
MACHSTAR Ca PS: EDTA calcium chelate in microgranules for application only on vegetable crops;
CALCIFIX L: calcium oxide and vegetable organic fraction from seaweed in liquid form;
CALCIUM KELATE: calcium oxide and and animal origin organic fraction (flesh);
ALGA-VITAL Calcio: calcium oxide activated by a natural complex of seaweed;
CLORCAL PLUS: calcium oxide with manganese and zinc;
NITROMELON 221 L: calcium oxide with magnesium and nitric nitrogen;
PERCALCIUM: solution of calcium and sulphur (to be used in fertigation);
BRIOCALL FORTE PS: a new formula with calcium oxide, boron, manganese and zinc. To be used in the latest stage of the plants to stimulate the formation of calcium pectate, promoting the shelf-life of the fruits.
There are several products that contain both calcium alone and calcium bound or mixed with other elements. After planning a correct fertilization and a suitable pruning (in the orchard), it is necessary to plan a good strategy with the most suitable product (or products) with the right support of a specialized technician.
Example of strategy on apples (Fuji) with remarkable problems of buttering in the year 2022
In addition to good agricultural practice (fertilization, pruning…):
Starting at flowering: foliar applications with Alga-Vital Calcio and Percalcium in fertigation;
When fruits are formed: foliar applications, to be repeated until harvest, with Calcium Kelate or Clorcal Plus or Calcifix L
20 25 days before the first harvest: Briocall Forte PS, to be repeated (stimulates the formation of calcium pectate, very important).
CONTACT US for further information

Demetra Italia s.r.l. | box@demetraitalia.it | tel. +39 0542 670170 | Via San Vitale, 5 - Imola (BO) Italia | Stabilimento: Via delle Arti, 6 - Castel Guelfo (BO) Italia | P.IVA: IT00596661207