DEMETRA has always been specialized on all crops, from orchards to vegetables through cereals.
We want to focus your attention on wheat today, on the products both ones that have always been present in our offer and new ones.
The strategy developed by our qualified technicians aims to replace some of the traditional nitrogen fertilizers (urea, ammonium nitrate) with a more environmentally sustainable support line.
As known, an excess of nitrate in soil not used by the plants, can lead to leaching and pollution of the groundwater; the use of strategies which aim to reduce this problem is essential to increase the environmental sustainability of cereal cultivation.
After two years of trials in field and analysis, we are able to reduce topdressing, replacing a part of nitrogen units (30-40) with specific foliar treatments. It is important to verify the possibility to apply these kind of products must always be evaluated together with a technicians and must take into account soil conditions, variety of wheat, climatic conditions and other factors that can influence the results.
DEMETRA has developed several products for this purpose:
NITRO SLOW and NITRO SLOW S: slow release nitrogen for foliar application that guarantee availability of nitrogen for medium-long periods;
MARFOL SF: from our line of COMPLEX BIOSTIMULANTS a product which stimulates the vegetative growth when needed;
CREVITAL: organic nitrogen able to stimulate the crops;
SOLAZON L: nitrogen fertilizer containing yeast assimilable sulfur;
AZO-UP SF: nitrogen fertilizer containing magnesium and sulfur in an innovative formula that allows a fast and complete uptake of the product.
There are several products that can be used depending on many factors, as already mentioned. Here is an example of application strategy in the different stages of cereal development:
Stem elongation phase, combined with fungicides or weeding products: AZO-UP SF 30-40 kg/hectare;
Heading phase, combined with fungicides or insecticides: NITROSLOW S 10 kg/hectare

Demetra Italia s.r.l. | box@demetra.eu | tel. +39 0542 670170 | 5, Via San Vitale - Imola (BO) Italy | Factory: 6, Via delle Arti - Castel Guelfo (BO) Italy | VAT: IT00596661207